As a wee giftie I have posted Alex's latest missive from cedifop. Read it.
A certain number of students ots underwater technical operator of the cedifop generally reaches the courses with acquired experiences in the sporting or industrial sector. Almost all however they don't have before then used the standard equipment, particularly the rigid helmet Kirby-Morgan. To arrive to use it in aware way and in safety, in port exercises or to wide, the instructors of the Centre have decided to follow a formative run that gradually drives the students to its knowledge, organizing exercises with the open helmet preceded by theoretical lessons. That held on October 13 '08 near the swimming pool Hydra from Alberto Gasperin, of the Palumbarus srl, is shown very articulated in the exposure of the history of this component, that has preceded the modern rigid helmet.
If the first historical references to the activity of underwater operators it goes up again to ancient Greece and then to the Roman period, it will need to reach 1770 to seeing realized the first opened helmet. The principal characteristic was the formation of a bead of air to its inside. The experimental phase lasted many decades and the first employment for an underwater recovery is dated 1870. In the meantime however you are been brought a series of changes to the structure (particularly to the form) and the employment happened together with the open bell other important equipment.
The operators pushed him to no more than 15 meters deep, today nearly from exercise in the formative progress. Then however it was a considered quota to tall risk, so much that for the underwater jobs the Marina English selected the personnel among the jailbirds. This way, in that period it had of the resounding one a recovery to 35 meters in the estuary of the Tamigi, depth that anchors at the end of the years '50 were held to the limits of the ability human.
The turn, the passage to the modern scuba diver, was had when the vulcanization of the rubber was invented, that gave the street to the realization of that equipment (wet suit to watertight, fins, masks) essential in every sector. It was the realization of the ideas of Leonardo Da Vinci, although the mask was for a long time already in use (built with material different) near resident populations in the islands of the Pacific. Since then the technical progression has been more and more rapids. From the open helmet he passed to that closed, used up to the years '60 and '70, and still valid (for instance in the Usa) for jobs in port waters up to the 10-12 meters.
From the closed helmet he passed semi rigid to the helmet (the "Facial") and, to follow, to the rigid helmet. In 2004, the most important organizations of the industrial scuba diver have established that the rigid helmet has to be preferred to that semi rigid ,since the integral covering guarantees a greater safety to the busy operator in the underwater jobs, in which it is to contact with metallic objects of various type, greatness and weight. The helmets semi rigid ,for their practicality, they continue however to be used by the operators in Standby (ready OTS to the intervention in case of emergency).
The exercise with the open helmet has been therefore preparatory for those in which the students will have to use the rigid helmet Kirby-Morgan in port waters. One for time the students have worn the helmet and they have gone down to 5 meters deep. they have performed a series of movements and then recovered some objects. fundamental that the OTS acquires the awareness that will be of few meters in the most greater part of the contexts in which will be found to work the visibility (or less than a meter) and the touch will be more main point of the sight.
"The exercise" - underlines Alberto Gasperin - " serves for making to conceptually try to the students OTS an old but functional equipment to direct their concentration on specific problems. To know how to complete an operation in simple appearance or even banal it is often instead conclusive for the safety on the job. The data furnished by IDSA - International Diving Schools Associations point out in fact that a meaningful quota of accidents happens because the operator supposes to have familiarity with the objects and considers natural to complete particular passages."
"When to the reunion of the IDSA (half September 2008) we have illustrated this type of exercise" it adds Gasperin "we noticed a certain wonder - in positive - of the other participants. To insert in the formation of an Operator of the industrial scuba diver a baggage of notions of base considered antiquated full in fact a gap in the preparation. Those people listened how much realized by CEDIFOP they have so ascertained the quality of this idea."
of Ninni Radicini
vedi il video " i primi passi (uso dell'elmo aperto)" (05' 32'')
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