13 Feb 2007

Become One of Diving's Elite - Apply to Become a Platinum Pro 5000 Diver Today!

The 2007 deadline to apply for a position among the world's diving elite is June 15th.

The 2007 deadline to apply for a position among the worlds diving elite is June 15th. Being a Platinum Pro5000 Diver places you among the worlds most experienced water explorers. The list of cardholders is a "who's who" of diving, containing the world's most prominent dive leaders, scientists, photographers, manufacturers, retailers, and resort operators. This honor cannot be purchased. Individuals must apply for the award and be recommended in writing by two Platinum Pros.

What makes the SSI Platinum Pro5000 award so special is that it's all about diving. The unsung dive master on any island and Jacques Cousteau earned their cards the same way - by diving 5,000 times, or diving 2,500 times and making a significant contribution to the diving industry.

Becoming a Platinum Pro is a great way to acknowledge your diving achievements, as well as to honor the achievements of someone you revere.

Divers from any certification agency can apply.

2007 Platinum Pro5000 Diver inductees will be honored during DEMA week held October 31, to November 3rd in Orlando, FL.

Already a Pro? Nominate a friend. Want to be a Pro? Apply today.

Don't wait! Deadline for 2007 is Friday, June 15th.

For more information and to download an application visit this link...